
Chastity Presentation – 4/8/15

4/8/15 Chastity Presentation


I have one upcoming presentation in April. You can see the countdown on the timer on the left, but on 4/8/15 I’ll be doing my talk on chastity. This talk will focus on the different types of devices used and safety considerations to keep in mind when doing so. All of the usual questions will be answered. “How long can I keep someone in Chastity?” “Which type of device should I buy?” “Where can I buy them?” “Can I go through the airport in one?” “Why would someone DO this to another human being?” “What do both participants get out of chastity?” As well as other questions that might crop up.

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Dungeons of the Future Presentation – Switch Meeting

Dungeons of the Future!


More a concept class, this class discusses what future dungeons could looks like. Purely speculative it goes over with the audience what toys we could see in the future and what kinks could emerge in the next 10-20 years. Significant audience involvement is required. Imagine what toys we’ll have when teleportation and force fields come into existence! BDSM robots!

I also have a few other venues in the works, but nothing is confirmed yet. If you’d be interested in me presenting at your venue, check out my presentations here. If you are in Colorado, I often do not charge anything for presenting (save for gas money), but reach out to me and we can arrange something.

March 18th 2014 Presentation – Forced Orgasms

March 18th 2014 Presentation


arrows_switchingDue to a last minute cancellation, I am giving my Forced Orgasm presentation earlier than I expected. It will instead be given on March 18th 2014. Additionally, I will be featuring both versions of my presentation, a short version and a long version as a test. The five minute version gives a very brief overview while the longer version goes into depth. Come and check it out.


FetLife Event Link

Another successful presentation

Another successful presentation


I’d like to thank everyone that came out last night to my forced orgasm class. For those that wanted the handout, here is a link to it:

(yes I know, I love my Google docs)

Anyways, I think the presentation went well. Great questions were asked an I’d like to give a special thanks to my demo bottom. She did great. I hope you all enjoyed that part of the class as much as I did.

For future presentations, keep checking back here. Now that I’ve got the whole timer thing down I plan on using it!

Fort Collins Colorado Forced Orgasms presentation

Fort Collins Colorado Forced Orgasms presentation

Hands upWell, another presentation down. It went well. A good crowd for Fort Collins. Lots of good questions and this time I actually had a demo bottom to demonstrate for me. However, what I may want to get what I dubbed demo monkeys for when I present. The demo bottom I had was difficult to get off so I had to do some of it manually. My arms got tired and willing volunteers popped up to help. I was very thankful for that. I have another one coming up soon and I’ll post the dates here when they are confirmed. However, if you missed this one, the next one will be in Denver. See ya then!

I also have a few other venues in the works, but nothing is confirmed yet. If you’d be interested in me presenting at your venue, check out my presentations here. If you are in Colorado, I often do not charge anything for presenting (save for gas money), but reach out to me and we can arrange something.

Forced Orgasms Presentation 2013

Forced Orgasms Presentation 2013

adultClassroom_61Firstly, thanks to all who came to Forced Orgasms 2013 presentation. I had fun albeit a tiny bit sad that I didn’t have a demo person for it. It was unfortunate that she had to cancel at the last minute. I would have asked for a volunteer from the audience but I would have wanted to negotiate with them beforehand and there just wasn’t that kind of time. I also debated about using it after the scene was over, however I didn’t feel like a full scene. However I felt that it went well overall.

However, as a result, they want me back so I will be teaching at scales again. Not quite sure when this will be, but I will keep you all informed.

In other news, I will be teaching it again locally in Fort Collins on April 21st 2013. For that night I will have a demo person so come out and see it work.

TNG Meeting

TNG Meeting

In the next few weeks, TNG leaders from across the state, at my behest will be converging for a meeting. I can’t say that I am not nervous at the prospect of it. So many influential people in the same room. I’ve worked very hard on my proposal that I will go over with them. I really hope that we can come to some kind of agreement as far as TNG goes. I really want to have something that I will be proud to hand down. Once the meeting is over I will post the powerpoint (actually Google doc) here so people can see it. For now, I want to keep it under wraps until the event itself.
