2017 in review

Wow! What a year. I know that I haven’t posted all that much here. Honestly, it’s just been a crazy year. Not as crazy as 2016. But here is a brief recap of everything I’ve been up to BDSM-Wise

Firstly, I was invited to teach at the Southwest Leather Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. This was an awesome experience for me, but at the same time a bit terrifying. A previous partner this was her con and I was concerned that people might shun me. I was VERY glad to be wrong and it was a lovely time. I brought three people with me in addition to my partner. Needless to say, the hotel room was a tad crowded. But I taught my Balancing Play Partners and Relationships class and my Electrical class to good reviews. Southwest is one of the milestone venues and I am grateful to the staff there for giving me the opportunity.

I was on the standby list for this con, but then I got the news that they needed me. My second year in a row in Las Vegas. Nevada at Sin in the City. I felt so special to be invited to the same conference two years in a row. I might be doing it a third year, but we will see. I got to teach Misconceptions about the scene, and Alternative forms of pet play (now called how to train your squirrel). I admit this was a good event (considering what happened with my partner and I the previous year). It was nice to attend and wipe away some of the bad memories. Nothing that the con did though. They were wonderful. I also got to assist at a private play party and offer Sybian rides. Needless to say, I got very good at wrapping my device in plastic quickly as I got many riders in quick succession. Honestly, I lost count.

Then came, while not my most exciting experience, it was certainly the most humbling. All of my previous presentations (with a few at the Denver Sanctuary) had been out of city or most of the time out of state. While I love teaching outside the state, the thing was that no one knew who I was. Every class was the first time people were getting introduced to me and I could, not hide, but be someone else. I’m sure that people looked at me as a big time presenter because I wasn’t just “the guy that runs TNG”. However, in this case, these were my local community. People whom I look up to and grew up (in the kink community with). People who gave me my first starts and taught me all kinds of things. It was a scary experience, especially when one of the powerhouses of my community was sitting in the front row for my first class. However, I got to teach Misconceptions about the scene and my Chastity class. The con was a little different than the others in that there was no play party (and that is OK) so I was a little concerned especially about the chastity class as there is nudity. However, the venue had no issues with it and I think it went off spectacularly.

Then, my second time in a row at Sin in the City in Salt Lake City, Utah. This community is a bit odd for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love them to death, but I feel like a third wheel in their community. The biggest thing that was the hardest was my Title run for Rocky Mountain Person of Leather. Sadly, I didn’t win, and it’s probably for the best. I won’t go into the reasons for my defeat, but let’s just say it wasn’t my time. I am thankful for the opportunity and it actually worked out. A lot of other cons asked me to come regardless. On top of that, they let me teach my Electrical play class, which was funny because I broke a bulb during the class. However, I think it went off amazingly.

Now for my most exciting one. I got to teach at the Citadel in San Francisco. This is one of those places I’ve always wanted to teach at. The area where the club was in was a bit sketchy, but the people we met were amazing. I am thankful for the people that came with me and the amazing time that I had. They seemed to like the Forced Orgasms class!

The best part was that I managed to wrangle another con in the same area. TGIF asked me to teach three different classes. It featured the debut of one of my classes (The Crazy Shit that is in my head) and then I got to teach Balancing Play Partners and Relationships and How to train your squirrel. Both went over amazingly. The TGIF crowd is amazing and they are wonderful people overall. I am thankful they had me back for a second year (maybe year three?)

The final convention I attended was in New Hampshire. The event was slightly tainted the person I wanted to come with me backing out on me last minute. However, I made the best of it and had a wonderful time in spite of this. I taught how to train your squirrel, Balancing play partners and relationship (which I got MAJOR kudos on) and then taught electrical play and chastity. Everyone seemed to like my classes and it was a wonderful time

Needless to say, this year has been a crazy one. I didn’t have any scheduled for the remainder of this year, but I have some scheduled for next year (one confirmed and one where I am on standby). I’m always looking forward to more events.

So what is next? It’s been a crazy year. Lots of changes in my personal life and kink life. However, while not getting the title was a bit dishearting, it showed me where I should focus my efforts. One judge even commented on that. I did far better on stage than I did in my interview. It made me very happy. I am a presenter and educator and that is what I am good at. I will keep on trying.

I have some new classes in development

  • BDSM presenting for Introverts
  • How to run events
  • Communication (title to come)

And I will keep trying and be spreading BDSM and Kink to as many people as I can. I am eternally grateful to everyone that I have met and who give me the chance to spread my knowledge. Thank you all. I couldn’t do this without you all.

Excited for Vegas 2016

All ready for Vegas 2016

I am all ready for Vegas 2016! My toys are on their way (I would have had to pay for 3 additional bags, so a friend is bringing them by car), my presentation is finalized and sent to the ASL interpreter and all of my demo bottoms (except for one) are confirmed and ready. I am ready! I cannot wait!

Link to the event

Here is the finalized schedule:

  • Forced Orgasms | Friday 9:00pm – 10:30pm
  • Chastity | Friday 2:00pm – 3:30pm


Leaving Thursday


John Denver – Leaving on a Jet Plane [sc_embed_player fileurl=”http://switchjakethepresenter.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/johndenver-LeavingonAJetPlanemusic.naij_.com1_.mp3″]

Sin in the City 2016

Sin in the City 2016

Good news! I’ll be presenting at Sin in the City 2016 in Las Vegas Nevada! The topics that have been selected are

  • Forced Orgasms | Friday 9:00pm – 10:30pm
  • Chastity | Friday 2:00pm – 3:30pm

Dates on this are February 5th through the 7th



I’ll update this post as I have more information

You can register for the event here

Note, tickets CANNOT be purchased at the event.

Thunder 2014 Recap

Thunder 2014:


Well, Thunder 2014 has come and gone. I figure it’s time for a recap of the events that transpired. I didn’t get on the volunteer squad this year which is probably good due to some family complications. Everyone is fine now, but it made attending Thunder a challenge. However, I do thank my family for working with me and I managed to attend Friday evening, all day Saturday and a small part of Sunday.

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Thunder 2014 Countdown

Thunder 2014 Countdown:


It is the Thunder season. It is time for the Thunder 2014 Countdown. You can look at the side bar for the actual countdown but I’m getting excited. They posted the schedule for the classes. There is ONE class I MIGHT attend, but I’m more looking forward to dungeon time. My partner wants us to pre plan our scenes. Admittedly, I’m not a big fan of this because it disarms me from doing a surprise scene that is silly as all get out.

Still, I’ll do it simply to play at Thunder. I won’t go into last year, but needless to say I was disappointed. Hopefully the same thing doesn’t happen this year. I plan on playing, and it will be epic.


Hope to see some of you there! It should be fun. Friday I’ll be at the registration table (and possibly Saturday) so I may be checking some of you in if you do attend. This year, we are also doing a TNG meetup for anyone in the organization. We’d love to see fellow TNGers attend and see how many of you there are! Sometimes, with the sheer number of people, you just can’t grasp how many of them are in a particular group. The dungeon does make the event seem lightly attended simply because there is so much room.

I hope to see all of you at the event. If you do happen to see me (except of course if I am playing) feel free to say hi and, if I don’t know you personally, let me know that you know me through my blog or social media presence. I’d love to meet my readers.

If you are interested in the event, be sure to pre-register to get cheaper tickets. Let’s start the Thunder 2014 Countdown!

Link to the website for the event

Southwest Leather Conference Keynote Speaker

602701_568330029896613_276534370_n1I was very impressed by Race Bannon. His words were very profound. I am embarrassed to say that I didn’t know who he was but I’ve determined that it is due to being in Colorado. I’ve included the audio file and the text version. Note: The audio isn’t very good. Also, there is an intro to the speaker before he actually starts speaking.

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Thunder in the Mountains, Day 1

Thunder in the Mountains 2012 Day 1

Thunder2012sm1Last night and today, we built the dungeon. I have to commend the transport guys. They must have gotten equipment from all over the city. It took us all night and some of today to get it all built, but it’s done now. I browsed the vendor fair (nothing really caught my eye) and relaxed in the room. Can’t wait for tonight.

Check out Thunder in the Mountains here