Thunder in the Mountains, Day 1

Thunder in the Mountains 2012 Day 1

Thunder2012sm1Last night and today, we built the dungeon. I have to commend the transport guys. They must have gotten equipment from all over the city. It took us all night and some of today to get it all built, but it’s done now. I browsed the vendor fair (nothing really caught my eye) and relaxed in the room. Can’t wait for tonight.

Check out Thunder in the Mountains here

Toys I would purchase right now if money was no object (ONGOING POST)

These are just a few items I’d love to acquire one day. I plan on updating this list occasionally to reflect my current desires or to remove items I have already purchased. When I update it, I will change the date of posting so it rises to the top. Note: I am not affiliated with any of these web sites. This is purely my own wants and desires.









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Locked lovers

Locked Lovers

For my first post, I thought I would call attention to an interesting company I found a while back. Let me state for the record that I am not affiliated with this company in any way.


The make a kind of modular bondage system where you can keep buying parts to extend what it can do. Very interesting. I contacted them about prices and got the following back:

Thank you for your inquiry. Our pricing and online purchasing options are expected to go online in this quarter of 2012. We appreciate your patience. Purchasing our systems is being held until our full product launch.

Dennis Carey
LockedLovers, LLC
Hopefully the prices are reasonable, but knowing what BDSM equipment can cost, it could be very high or very low. But come on, it’s like legos for kinky folk!
Locked lovers