Denver Pridefest 2015
Denver Pridefest 2015
Another year, another pride fest. Like last year, I “marched” with the Rocky Mountain Leather Alliance.
Here is a video with me at the event waving. Note I was in a boat. That is why I put “marched” in quotes. The side of the boat said “whatever floats your boat”. It was a lot of fun overall. It is amazing to see all the support that we have. We had the Denver Boys of Leather marching behind us. They were handing out dog toys to actual dogs. I will be sure to march every single year if I can. If you were there and saw me, be sure to let me know. I’d love to hear from people who might have saw me. Also, if you managed to snap any candid pics of me, I’d love to see those too!
Overall it was an amazing time. Here are some pics of me from the event. Taken by the lovely Skittlemonster
Three Days of Kink
Three Days of Kink
This weekend (just so you know I have an abnormal work schedule, I get Thurs, Fri and Sat off) was interesting. We had three days of kink events, one on each night.
Thursday night was TNG. We had a very large turnout (76 people) and it made for an exciting evening. Speaking from a DM perspective, I saw a wide range of play occurring. In addition, I’d like to say thanks to the people that did a scene with me. I got to be sounded for my very first time (well, second, but first time where it was the focus of the scene). The experience was interesting. It’s rather hard to describe. I was indeed light headed afterward though.

Young men watching tv indoors exulting
Friday night was TNG at the Rack room. Nothing wrong with this party. It seemed to be light attendance but that made for a more laid back atmosphere. I admittedly ran the door so I didn’t get to see much, but it was still a good evening.
Saturday was taste of kink. This is where we introduce new people to kinks in small 5 minute sessions. I was honored to be the first scene ever of some people. I did sensation play for the night and had a wide variety of “canvases” on which to play. I enjoyed all of them. Thanks again to everyone who let me run all my various sensation toys over them. I hope you had as much fun as I did.
Now it’s Sunday, so back to work. But what a weekend! Three days of kink!
Thunder 2014 Recap
Thunder 2014:
Well, Thunder 2014 has come and gone. I figure it’s time for a recap of the events that transpired. I didn’t get on the volunteer squad this year which is probably good due to some family complications. Everyone is fine now, but it made attending Thunder a challenge. However, I do thank my family for working with me and I managed to attend Friday evening, all day Saturday and a small part of Sunday.
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Pride 2014: Marching with pride.
Pride 2014:
Pride is over. This was the first time I was in attendance. Usually, I run into a schedule conflict and am unable to attend. In addition to this being my first year attending, I also marched in the parade with the leather contingent. It was a tad awkward simply due to the fact that I don’t formally belong to any of those groups. I mean, I know people in each but I don’t actually belong. I’m not a Denver Boy of Leather (yet), I’m certainly not a Denver Girl of Leather, I’m not a puppy nor a member of that group, and I don’t formally follow the Master/slave contest (though I attended it this year). All I know is that I am leather so the leather contingent is where I need to march. I had several swells of pride while I marched which was very exciting. There was a lot of support coming from the wings. It was very refreshing to see that people don’t hate us.
Thanks to everyone that let me shock them
Taste of Kink 2014
Last Saturday I had the honor of being one of the tasting stations at the Denver Sanctuary Taste of Kink 2014 party. It was a lot of fun to shock person after person with electricity. My core heated up a bit much, but I think it will be OK.
Thank-you to everyone that, albeit the fact that they wanted to be shocked, let me shock them.
I hope to see you all back at the Sanctuary or any kink event in the future. Hopefully, I helped you find out if you liked electrical play or hated it with a passion, or even if you are undecided. Feel free to friend me if you have any questions or need additional assistance.
March 18th 2014 Presentation – Forced Orgasms
March 18th 2014 Presentation
Due to a last minute cancellation, I am giving my Forced Orgasm presentation earlier than I expected. It will instead be given on March 18th 2014. Additionally, I will be featuring both versions of my presentation, a short version and a long version as a test. The five minute version gives a very brief overview while the longer version goes into depth. Come and check it out.
Exile 2
Exile 2
So I went and attended Exile last night. I’ll post a few photos as they become available (I didn’t personally take any last night) I will post some. All in all, it was an interesting event. I’m glad that it isn’t the main kink scene in Denver. It was interesting to have an event that was vanilla. While nudity isn’t that important to me anymore, it’s shocking how tame the night felt. We had wax play demonstrations on clothed participants and single tails used on the same. It didn’t feel genuine. I spent the night questioning the people around me wondering if they were real kinksters or just dressed up for the occasion. Some had leather patches so I assumed they were real. Others had plastic cuffs (or one had cuffs made out of balloons). Those I assumed were not real.
All in all, I’m glad I supported leathermagick but I’m glad it only comes once a year. It isn’t true kink but merely a sideshow for the vanillas. If you are interested in more information, here is their website.
Photos below the break
Private dungeon
Private dungeon
It’s good to have friends! Last night we had a rare treat. A dungeon all to ourselves. It was loads of fun. Admittedly, my role last night was one of being a mentor and making sure my protege was not being abused by a new person, it was still a fun experience to see a dungeon that I had never seen before and be there with no one else. Actually, it gave me a rare opportunity to organize my toy bags. However, my protege got to try needles, blood and choking all in one night. Blood I just worry about so I don’t do it. Needles, well…. I don’t know how. I could probably do them to others but not to myself. Maybe I’ll try them. Who knows? Choking just doesn’t appeal to me.
Still, I look forward to many more parties in this space when it is a bit more populated. It should be a fun time. Actually we have a plan to attend a party there later this month, so that should be fun.
Gateway session
Gateway session
So I played with Heather_Daisy again, this time at Gateway night at the Denver Sanctuary. Admittedly it was a great deal of fun. We had this fun pre-scene game where we went to Dave and Busters (a video arcade) and played 2 player games. Before each we made bets. In the end, final score was 6 to 2 in my favor. Perhaps I should have mentioned (though I figured it would be obvious) that I am a bit of a gamer. I also used to work in a video arcade and let’s just say I was experienced in the art of game playing. Perhaps I should have not tried so hard on some but my competitive nature got the best of me. Regardless, it was quite fun and I would love to do it again, preferably with her winning a bit more.
It is nights like that though that I wish I lived closer to Denver. That hour drive is killer, especially if it is a late night. Sure I could stay with friends in lieu of driving, but I hate to impose on people, even if they would without a moments hesitation.